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科室: 肾脏内科


个人简介 学术任职 主研方向 获奖情况 学术论著

[职称] 主任医师,副教授,硕士研究生导师

[职务] 肾脏内科主任,学科带头人

[学位] 博士后





博士后:  2010年获得国际肾脏病协会“肾脏病青年专家培养计划”资助就读于美国加利福尼亚大学完成博士后学业,导师Mehta R.L教授。






1.   2014-今:中华医学会北京肾脏病分会委员。

2.   2014-今:中华医学会中西医结合分会北京分会委员。

3.   2012-今:首都医科大学肾脏病学系委员。

4.   2012-今:北京生物医学工程学会血液净化委员会委员。

5.   2012-今:中国医师协会北京肾脏病分会理事。

1.  北京市卫生健康委员会—首度为省发展科研专项-脑血流量变化对中老年维持性血液透析患者认知功能影响的前瞻性观察性研究-32万元(2022-08至2024-08)

2.  北京市科学技术委员会--国家重大研发计划匹配项目-脑认知与脑医学-维持性血液透析患者脑认知功能损伤的早期预警模型构建及临床验证-60万元(2016-08至2019-08)Z161100002616005

3.  北京市科学技术委员会---首都临床特色应用研究--脑卒中患者造影剂肾病风险评估模型的构建及临床验证-15万元(2014-08至2017-08)Z141107002514150

1.  2013年获首都医科大学肾脏病学系优秀论文第一名。

2.  2009年获得国际肾脏病协会资助参会并在慢性肾脏病专题会议上发言。

3.  2008年获得中日友好医院优秀教师称号及五好奥运志愿者称号。

4.  2005年获国际肾脏病协会青年学者资助参会。

5.  2004年中华医学会肾脏病分会颁发优秀论文奖。

6.  1999年获得北京市卫生局科技进步二等奖。


1.Guo Y, Tian R, Ye P, Luo Y,et al. Frailty in Older Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis and Its Association with All-Cause Mortality: A Prospective Cohort Study. Clin Interv Aging, 2022,17: 265-275. (SCI:4.5) (correspondent author)

2.Guo Y, Tian R, Ye P, Luo Y ,et al. Cognitive Domain Impairment and All-Cause Mortality in Older Patients Undergoing  Hemodialysis[J]. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne), 2022,13: 828162. (SCI:6.0) (correspondent author)

3.Tian R, Bai Y, Guo Y, Luo Y, et al. Association Between Sleep Disorders and Cognitive Impairment in Middle Age and Older Adult Hemodialysis Patients: A Cross-Sectional Study. Front Aging Neurosci, 2021,13: 757453. (SCI:5.7) (correspondent author)

4.Zhou X, Guo Y, Luo Y, et al. The optimal range of serum intact parathyroid hormone for a lower risk of mortality in the incident hemodialysis patients. Ren Fail, 2021, 43 (1):599-605. (SCI: 1.9) (correspondent author)

5.Luo Y, Murray A, Guo YD, et al. Cognitive impairment and associated risk factors in older adult hemodialysis patients: a cross-sectional survey. Sci Rep. 2020 Jul 27; 10 (1):12542. (SCI: 3.9) (correspondent author)

6.Tian R, Guo Y, Ye P, Yang L, et al. The validation of the Beijing version of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment in Chinese patients undergoing hemodialysis. PLOS ONE, 2020, 15: e0227073. (SCI: 2.9) (correspondent author)

7.Zhang C, Gao J, Guo Y, Yang L, et al. Association of atrial fibrillation and clinical outcomes in adults with chronic kidney disease: A propensity score-matched analysis. PLOS ONE, 2020, 15: e0230189. (SCI: 2.9) (correspondent author)

8 .Guo Y, Gao J, Ye P, et al. Comparison of atrial fibrillation in CKD and non-CKD populations: A cross-sectional analysis from the Kailuan study. Int J Cardiol, 2019, 277:125-129. (SCI: 3.6) (correspondent author)

9.Guo Y, Cui L, Ye P, et al. Change of Kidney Function Is Associated With All-Cause Mortality and Cardiovascular Diseases: Results From the Kailuan Study. J Am Heart Assoc, 2018, 7: e010596. (SCI: 5.4) (correspondent author)

10.Wang D, Guo YD, Zhang Y, Li Z, Luo Y. Epidemiology of acute kidney injury in patients with stroke: a retrospective analysis from the neurology ICU. Intern Emerg Med. 2018; 13 (1):17-25. (SCI: 2.4) (correspondent author)

11.Wu Y, Hou J, Luo Y, et al. Correlation between Carotid Intima-Media Thickness and Early-Stage Chronic Kidney Disease: Results from Asymptomatic Polyvascular Abnormalities in Community Study. J stroke cerebro Dis.2016; 25(2):259-65. (SCI: 1.7) (correspondent author)

12.Huang H, Luo Y, Liang Y, et al. CD4+CD25+ cells in multiple myeloma related renal impairment. Scientific report. 2015;13(5):16565 (SCI: 5.5) (correspondent author)

13.Yang Luo, Xianwei Wang, Yilong Wang, et al. Association of glomerular filtration rate with outcomes of acute stroke in type 2 diabetic patients: Results from the China National Stroke Registry. Diabetes Care. 2014; 37: 173-179. (SCI: 8.5)

14.Yang Luo, Xianwei Wang, Yilong Wang, et al. Comparison of associations of outcomes after stroke with estimated GFR using Chinese modifications of the MDRD Study and CKD-EPI creatinine equations: Results from the China National Stroke Registry. Am J Kidney Dis.2014; 63(1): 59-61. (SCI:5.7)

15.Yang Luo, Xianwei Wang, Kunihiro Matsushita, et al. Associations between estimated glomerular filtration rate and stroke outcomes in diabetic versus nondiabetic patients. Stroke. 2014; 45: 2887-2893. (SCI: 6.2)

16.Li Z, Wang A, Luo Y, Wu S, Zhao X. Impact of proteinuria and glomerular filtration rate on risk of ischaemic and intracerebral hemorrhagic stroke: a result from the Kailuan Study. Eur J Neurol.2014; 25:1-6. (SCI: 4.2) (correspondent author)

17.郭一丹,张春霞,罗洋,等.老年维持性血液透析患者衰弱综合征的临床特征及其对全因死亡率的影响.中华肾脏病杂志, 2021;38:896-903. (通讯作者)

18.郭一丹,张春霞,罗洋,等. 中老年维持性血液透析患者认知功能损伤与全因死亡相关性的前瞻性队列研究.中华肾脏病杂志, 2021;37:896-903. (通讯作者)

19.郭一丹,张春霞,罗洋,等. 维持中老年维持性血液透析患者认知功能损伤特征的横断面研究.中华肾脏病杂志, 2021;37:589-596. (通讯作者)

20.周晓玲,郭一丹,张春霞,田茹,贾萌,罗洋.维持性血液透析患者主动脉弓钙化的相关风险因素及其对远期预后的影响.中华肾脏病杂志, 2021;37:191-197. (通讯作者)

21.周晓玲,郭一丹,张春霞,田茹,贾萌,罗洋. 老年血液透析患者血清甲状旁腺激素水平与远期心脑血管事件相关性的研究.中华老年心脑血管病杂志, 2021;23:176-179. (通讯作者)

22.张春霞,郭一丹,赵雪峰,田茹,晓玲,罗洋.老年血液透析患者臂踝动脉脉搏波传导速度与认知功能障碍相关性的临床研究.中华老年心脑血管病杂志, 2021;23:132-135. (通讯作者)

23.田茹, 郭一丹, 罗洋. 血液透析患者脑血流动力学变化与认知功能损伤相关性临床研究. 中国实用内科杂志, 2020;04:316-319. (通讯作者)

24.张春霞, 郭一丹, 罗洋. 老年透析患者血清超敏C反应蛋白与认知功能的关系. 中国现代医学杂志, 2019;16:85-89. (通讯作者)

25 .田茹, 郭一丹, 罗洋. 血液透析患者认知功能变化的特征及风险因素分析. 天津医药, 2019;07:723-726. (通讯作者)

26.郭一丹, 田茹, 罗洋. 老年血液透析患者认知功能障碍对不良预后事件的影响. 中华老年心脑血管病杂志, 2019;06:629-631. (通讯作者)

27.郭一丹, 张春霞, 罗洋. 老年血液透析患者昼夜血压变异度与认知功能相关性的临床研究. 中华老年医学杂志, 2018:612-615. (通讯作者)

28.郭一丹, 罗洋. 老年血液透析患者血清维生素D水平与认知功能损伤的横断面分析. 广东医学, 2019:220-223. (通讯作者)

29.郭一丹, 田茹, 罗洋. 老年血液透析患者血清同型半胱氨酸与认知损伤相关性的临床研究. 天津医药, 2019:295-298. (通讯作者)

30.王冬雪, 郭一丹, 张寅, 等. 高敏C反应蛋白与蛛网膜下腔出血患者急性肾损伤相关性的临床研究. 中华检验医学杂志, 2017;8:573-577. (通讯作者)

31.王冬雪,罗洋. 蛛网膜下腔出血患者急性肾损伤相关危险因素及预后. 实用医学杂志, 2017;21:3514-3517. (通讯作者)



