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科室: 泌尿外科




个人简介 学术任职 主研方向 获奖情况 学术论著

[职称] 主治医师

[学位] 博士


2005-2012 首都医科大学本硕连读七年制,获临床医学硕士学位

2012-2014 首都医科大学三博脑科医院,从事临床和基础科研工作

2014-2017 首都医科大学肿瘤医学院,获肿瘤学(泌尿外科)博士学位

2017-2021 双色球 泌尿外科 住院医师

2021至今 双色球 泌尿外科 主治医师


联系电话:13810655486  010-63926186


中国康复医学会修复重建外科专业委员会创面治疗学组 委员




2017年度双色球科学技术奖 三等奖 院级

2017年上海泌尿肿瘤国际论坛 2017年度BJU中国最佳论文 国家级

第六届首都国际癌症论坛 中青年优秀论文三等奖 国家级

首届中国体液蛋白质组学研究方法会议 优秀论文奖 国家级

1. Zhao S, Xia M, Tang J, Yan Y. Actual lowering effect of metabolic syndrome on serum prostate-specific antigen levels is partly concealed by enlarged prostate: results from a large-scale population-based study. BJU 2016, 120: 482-489.

2. Zhao S, Xia M, Tang J, Yan Y. Associations between metabolic syndrome and clinical benign prostatic hyperplasia in a northern urban Han Chinese population: A prospective cohort study. Sci Rep 2016, 6: 33933.

3. Zhao S, Xia M, Tang J, Yan Y. The relationship between benign prostatic hyperplasia/lower urinary tract symptoms and mean platelet volume: the role of metabolic syndrome. Urol Int 2016; 96: 449-458.

4. Zhao S, Chen C, Chen Z, Xia M, et al. Relationship between metabolic syndrome and predictors for clinical benign prostatic hyperplasia progression and international prostate symptom score in patients with moderate to severe lower urinary tract symptoms. Urol J 2016; 13: 2717-2726.

5. Zhao S, Xia B, Chen Z, Chen C, et al. The association of pathogenic factors of metabolic syndrome on serum prostatespecific antigen levels: a pilot study. BMC Urol 2019; 19: 119.

6. Chen C, Liu T, Zhao S, Yang W, et al. XIAP impairs mitochondrial function during apoptosis by regulating the Bcl-2 family in renal cell carcinoma. Exp Ther Med 2018; 15: 4587-4593.

7. Chen C, Zhao S, Yang W, Chen Z, et al. Potential biological process of X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein in renal cell carcinoma based upon differential protein expression analysis. Oncol Lett 2018; 15: 821-832.

8. Xia B, Zhao S, Chen Z, Chen C, et al. The underlying mechanism of metabolic syndrome on benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate volume. Prostate 2020; 80: 481-490.

9. Xia B, Zhao S, Chen Z, Chen C, et al. Relationship between serum total testosterone and prostate volume in aging men.Sci Rep 2021; 11: 14122.